This is a Handmade Platinum and Diamond Ring featuring a 2.30ct pigeons blood 100% Natural Unheated Ruby from Mozambique. Certified by @lotusgemology
The leading laboratory for ruby and sapphire testing and identification - Lotus Gemology Lab assigned this stone rare color grade -“pigeon blood red".
The term has been used for centuries by the jewelry trade to describe only the finest quality rubies, which aside from their distinct colors, invariably are stones of superior quality and hence are the most coveted gems.
For a ruby to qualify for the term “pigeon blood red”, the color has to be an intense, saturated and homogeneous red.
Any type of treatment (such as heating, fissure filling, etc.) disqualifies a stone from being described as "pigeon blood red".
The stone must be relatively free of eye-visible or dark inclusions, and it must show a homogeneous color distribution with vivid internal reflections.
This ring will come with the Lotus Gemology Certificate of the ruby, an independent appraisal, and a coffee table book of the process of hand-making this ring.
Hand-Made by Jeremy Dunn